Your Guide to SBA Loans

Will Talks Biz Podcast Episode 38 Your Guide to SBA Loans

“The lending process is a mystery, but I’m here to peel back the onion and dive deep into the details to help educate people.” In this episode I welcome Paul Long, a 26-year banking industry veteran and SBA lending manager at a local credit union. He is on a mission to reveal the mysteries of…

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Entrepreneurship and Burnout

WIll Talks Biz Podcast Episode 36 Entrepreneurship and Burnout

“Don’t take on more than you can handle, have an exit plan, and treat your business like a newborn baby – take care of it until it can walk on its own.” Over the years I have learned the delicate balance between hustling hard in entrepreneurship and burning out. As an entrepreneur it can be…

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Maximize Customer Delight

Will Talks Biz Episode 33 Maximize Customer Delight

Lori Allen is a speaker, writer, direct response marketer, and entrepreneur with over 23 years of experience in the direct response industry. She is the founder of Focus Escapes, a company that specializes in tours for people who love travel, writing, photography, and seeing the world differently. In this episode, you will learn: How to…

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Adapting Your Mindset on Hiring

Will Talks Biz Podcast Episode 32 Adapting Your Mindset on Hiring

There are a lot of fears in the hiring process. Will a person perform in the long run? Are they who they say they are in the interview process? There is a lot of trust that is involved in hiring a team. When you need to hire someone, you have a need that needs to…

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How to Know if a Side Hustle is for You

Will Talks Biz Podcast Episode 31 How to know if a Side Hustle is For You

Any time there is a conversation with entrepreneurs it brings on a lot of reflection around experimenting within a side hustle.  It answered some of the unknowns of Airbnb while also getting Cassie and I to dig deeper into what we define as a side hustle and how to know if a side hustle is…

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Positive Experiences Sell

Will Talks Biz Podcast Episode 30 Positive Experiences Sell

There is a lot of potential for success with Airbnb. The most important thing to remeber is that positive experiences sell. Focus on creating a positive experience for your guests. Using knowledge about customer service gives you the opportunity to make more revenue than with traditional single-family rentals. Daniel Rusteen is a former Airbnb employee…

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How to Hire Great Talent

Will Talks Biz Episode 28 How to Hire Great Talent with Tim Dyck

Kicking off the new year by having a conversation with Tim Dyck, owner of Best Culture Solutions, about how to hire great talent. Tim helps organizations have a great workplace culture. No person should go through their career without feeling fulfillment in what they do. That is why Tim works with employers on recruitment services…

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What Business Owners Should Do More of in 2023

Will Talks Biz Podcast Episode 27 What Business Owners Should Do More of in 2023

As we close out 2022 we are taking time to reflect on business in 2022 and what business owners should do more of in 2023. Key Takeaways: {3:06} Business owners need to prioritize internal culture and people development more. {5:57} There are people that have experience yet are lacking interview experience. Due to the labor…

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Public Speaking with Scott McKain

Will Talk Biz ep 21 Public Speaking with Scott McKain

In this episode, we learn about the experiences that come from writing and public speaking featuring Scott McKain.  He is an expert at helping businesses understand how to stand out in a hyper-competitive marketplace. The conversation with Scott is powerful because he shares how much his journey to get better positively impacts the work he…

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Epic Life with Justin Breen

Will Talks Biz Episode 19 Epic Life Justin Breen

Justin Breen joins us again to talk about his newest book, Epic Life. This book focuses on how to build collaborative global companies while putting your family first. It’s what many people want, but don’t know how to do. Justin certainly does though because in addition to being a husband and dad, he runs two…

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